I'm not Superman.

Ordinarily, this is the page where writers like me point a big neon finger at their impressive sounding titles, shiny awards, and can’t-miss marketing formulas.

(Yawn.) I’m not going to do that.

I don’t wear a cape. And I won’t pretend to be some sort of self-ordained “thought leader.” You see, I’m not looking to sell you. Instead, I want you to get a good sense of who I am, how I can help you, and whether or not you think we're a good fit for each other.

Which brings me to "I think. I write. I help." What I try to be is an objective partner, eager to hear your problems, and ready to help solve them in whatever way I can with my brain, my words, and a sincere desire to see you do well.

So, in lieu a long, pretentious resume, or boasting about how many Twitter followers I have, I’ll just tell you a little about me below. A very little.


One of marketing's wisest rules is to talk about your customers, and not about yourself.

On this page, I pretty much ignore that rule.




Me, in 150 words or less.*

I never pictured myself as a marketing writer. And yet here I am.

I dreamed of becoming a professional baseball player. But I couldn’t hit a curveball. So I went to college. I studied at UC Irvine. I transferred to UCLA. I earned a degree in graphic design. I got a job as an art director. I loved it. Then I didn’t. I traded in my markers and sketchpad for a laptop and thesaurus. I spent 9 years writing for ad agencies. I spent 20 more freelancing. I wrote ads. I bought a house in the ‘burbs. I wrote direct mail. I adopted a dog. I wrote radio and TV. I got married. I wrote websites and banners. I moved to the coast. I wrote emails and video scripts. I brought home another dog. I developed creative strategies. I helped clients make small budgets seem bigger. I adapted to new media. I started creating videos. And all along, I kept on thinking, writing, and helping.

I’ve learned many things in my time as a writer...But I still can’t hit a curveball.

(*Yes, I know. That was 180 words. 193 if you count this postscript.)